Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween !!

Halloween provided a perfect excuse for me to start reading the vampire book series called Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. The only problem was that once I started reading, I could not put it down. Just to give you an example of how obsessed I was, I was up til midnight every night reading. For anyone that knows me, anything past 9 p.m. is a miracle. So at this fever pitch it only took me a week to read a four book series. During this time we managed to squeeze in as much Halloween fun as possible. So without further delay....

This is what mother's live for. Cute and adorable. We hung out with the cousins on Halloween night. From left: Sahara, Milani, Maya and Dominic.
I had to also include this photo because baby Gianna was in it. She's the little monkey on the right.

We did go to half a dozen houses to let the kids experience trick or treating. Not like the girls got to taste any of the candy. When we got home all the candy magically disappeared. Have not, want not.

Here's a great picture of baby G ! She came along with us trick or treating.

During the day we went to the Early Learning Center for a Halloween Parade. They had crafts and face painting and a parade which ended with a bag full of treats which included play doh, Halloween tattoos, spiders, raisins and animal cookies.

Last weekend we took the girls along with Grandma Rose to the Wild Animal Park. They were all decked out with Halloween decor and a bunch of craft tables. The tomb stones behind us listed all the animals that are extinct.

Here's Tata Rose with Sahara on the carousel.

Here we are feeding the Loreketts. This is really cool and a little scary. Too many birds on you at the same time can be frightening.

Check out Maya. There a bird on her head.

Here's one of the employees from the park posing with the girls.

All in all Halloween was fun and now I'm trying to catch up on my sleep.

1 comment:

Danna said...

Too cute, I wish I was wearing shorts! It is FREEZING here!! :)