Saturday, December 29, 2007

First Snow

Three cars full of Khoury's went to Big Bear Mountain so that the kids could see snow for the first time. We went to a tubing park called Snowdrift and had a blast. Here are some of the photos of our day...

Our two little snow princesses were looking pretty in their pink outerwear. It was a sunny day but that didn't help any, it was crazy cold.

Maya and Sahara got to see snow at 19 months. That's better than mom who did not see snow until I was in my twenties. That's what happens when you grow up in Hawaii.

Check out this footage of Sahara sliding down the hill with Uncle Saba. As it turns out, Sahara absolutely loves the snow and is a little adrenaline junky.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Highlights

It has been a magical Christmas. Grandpa Epi and Uncle Ken visited us for the holidays adding to the joy of the season. Our days have been fun filled and busy. Here are the highlights of our holidays...

We thought we had problems before with the binky. Now Sahara has figured out a way to fit two binkys in her mouth.

We took Grandpa Epi to the Oceanside pier. The twins are a lot more friendly with Grandpa compared to his last visit which was filled with stranger anxiety.

We went to the Wild Animal Park and visited Maya and Sahara's friends.

Maya and Sahara feeding the ducks. Look at how cute those baby UGG boots are !!! I know mommy has a problem, but I cannot resist cute baby shoes !!!

When we are not busy running around, we hang out in Bella's cage. That's right, all four of us fit in there. I'm sure Bella is wondering what's wrong with these crazy people.

Here's Sahara collecting Protea Flowers that daddy has just cut. Maya and Sahara have turned out to be great flower farmers.
Here's some classic footage of Sahara and Maya working the flower field together.

Here's Maya and Sahara busy planting. After digging the holes, putting the plants in the ground then carefully replacing the dirt. Maya walked up to each newly planted succulent and stepped on it. We are still working on our gardening skills.
Finally, here are the Christmas festivities. Here's Uncle Ken with Sahara.

Here's Nader's brother Brian and his family. They also have a set of twins the same age as Maya and Sahara. From left: Brian, Milani, Christopher, Santa, Christine and Dominic.

Family shot. From left: Sahara, Nader, Rima and Maya.

We kind of went nuts with family pictures so please indulge me. Here's Nader, Grandma Rose and Rima.

Four uncles and four babies. From left top row: Brian, Ken, Saba and Nader. From left bottom row: Dominic, Sahara, Maya and Milani.

This is what our tree looked like before we went to sleep on Christmas Eve. This is what the twins saw when they woke up on Christmas Day.

Here they are on Christmas morning playing with their new toys.

Happy Holiday's from the Khoury's !!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Fallbrook Gymnastics

The girls have graduated from Gymboree and are now enrolled in Gymnastics. Maya and Sahara are enjoying their new classes. Check out some of these pictures of the monkeys in action.

Here we see both Maya and Sahara breaking the rules and climbing up the ramp to avoid the long lines you see in the photo. The trampoline is way too fun and therefore difficult to wait for.

Here's our Maya showing us her sliding skills. This slide is pretty steep but that does not stop our little monkeys.
Monkeys in motion.

Check out Sahara in action. Watch her give the teacher high-five at the end. Pretty funny.

And here's the real reason why Maya and Sahara love coming to class. No it's not the trampoline or the balance's the cool stamp you get at the end of class. As you can see in the picture Sahara is admiring the stamps she got on both of her little hands.

Here's Maya getting her much anticipated stamp at the end of class.

Stay posted for more monkey news....

Friday, November 30, 2007

Christmas is Coming !!!

We found a Christmas tree farm here in Fallbrook so we loaded the girls and went in search of our special Christmas tree.

Here are the fields of trees. We were looking for something not too tall, or too short.

Maya noticed the horses on the hill across the way. Here she is waving "hi" to them.

Here are the horses galloping around.

We found our special tree and here's a picture of Nader carrying it into our house.

Take a close look. Sahara crawled under the tree to help her daddy set the stand.

And here's the finished tree. We are starting to get very excited about Christmas around here. Notice that there are no glass ornaments on the lower half of the tree. The tree is not monkey proof but we tried to play it safe.

Sahara and Maya posing with Mr. & Mrs. Claus.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Costa Rica - The Final Chapter

Here are the last fun filled days we spent in Costa Rica.

Last picture of the girls at Tamarindo beach.

Our last sunset at Tamarindo.

The last night we stayed in San Ramon at a place called Villa Blanca located in a cloud forest. This place was so cool, literally. We were in the clouds, and they never left. Because of this unique climate there are many indigenous plants and animals.

Here's the view from our patio. Forest and clouds as far as the eye can see.

One morning we took a guided trek through the forest.

Here's Maya strapped to daddy.

Family photo deep in the forest.

The local wild life.

Here's we are traveling home.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving !!!

Every year we have Thanksgiving at our house and Nader's mom, Linda, sorts out the meal. This is a good thing because she is an amazing cook. Here are a few highlights of our turkey day.

Here's Linda (a.k.a. Tata) sorting out the turkey.

Here's Nader's Dad (a.k.a. Ba) posing with the cooked turkey.

The feast.

Here's Maya and Sahara eating the meat off the bones. Classic !!!

Here's a cool photo of the three sons and their father, oh and my mother. From left to right: Nader, Brian, Saba, Bulos and my mom, Rose.

Here's a good shot of the Khoury klan. From left to right: Brian, Nader, Linda, Bulos and Saba.

Another group shot of all of our family.

Sahara was looking extra cute in her dress.

Here's Maya staring at her cousin Dominic.

Both sets of twins. From left to right: Dominic, Milani, Maya and Sahara.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Khoury family !!

Costa Rica Part 2

This picture pretty much sums up our trip. Smiles, fun and babies...
A view from the house to the beach. Nice...

More local wild life. I was pretty afraid that one of these iguanas would take off with a baby.

A view of Tamarindo beach.

Where's Maya?
There she is !!!

Nader on a good day.

Fresh fruits and vegetables anyone?

Maya is multi tasking while in her car seat. She is juggling calls.

It may not be clear but Maya is giving the sign that she is tired and wants to go to sleep.

Family photo of the traveling Khoury's.