Saturday, December 29, 2007

First Snow

Three cars full of Khoury's went to Big Bear Mountain so that the kids could see snow for the first time. We went to a tubing park called Snowdrift and had a blast. Here are some of the photos of our day...

Our two little snow princesses were looking pretty in their pink outerwear. It was a sunny day but that didn't help any, it was crazy cold.

Maya and Sahara got to see snow at 19 months. That's better than mom who did not see snow until I was in my twenties. That's what happens when you grow up in Hawaii.

Check out this footage of Sahara sliding down the hill with Uncle Saba. As it turns out, Sahara absolutely loves the snow and is a little adrenaline junky.

1 comment:

Danna said...

Too cute! I love the tube video, Fern is just this year starting to like the snow. But just short sperts!! :)