Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Fallbrook Gymnastics

The girls have graduated from Gymboree and are now enrolled in Gymnastics. Maya and Sahara are enjoying their new classes. Check out some of these pictures of the monkeys in action.

Here we see both Maya and Sahara breaking the rules and climbing up the ramp to avoid the long lines you see in the photo. The trampoline is way too fun and therefore difficult to wait for.

Here's our Maya showing us her sliding skills. This slide is pretty steep but that does not stop our little monkeys.
Monkeys in motion.

Check out Sahara in action. Watch her give the teacher high-five at the end. Pretty funny.

And here's the real reason why Maya and Sahara love coming to class. No it's not the trampoline or the balance's the cool stamp you get at the end of class. As you can see in the picture Sahara is admiring the stamps she got on both of her little hands.

Here's Maya getting her much anticipated stamp at the end of class.

Stay posted for more monkey news....

1 comment:

Danna said...

Too cute, I love the giggleing! So funny about the stamps!