Saturday, September 20, 2008

Lunch with Friends

Here's an adorable picture of Maya having lunch with her friends. Before she sat all her toys in a circle she spent a good deal of time warming up food (beans) in the oven (her play oven). She carefully removed the plates of food with oven mitts and announced to all of us that the food was "too hot" and "wait blow off" which translated means wait to cool off, blow it. She was so proud that she cooked the food for her friends then carefully placed it in front of each of them. She had the biggest grin on her face.
Some other totally adorable things about Maya include the fact that she is an extremely loud eater, which is like nails on the chalk board for mommy, but somehow it's adorable when Maya does it. Also, Maya does not like to be dirty in the least bit. So you can always find her wiping her hands, washing her hands or changing dirty clothes. This actually works out great because she almost never has potty accidents.

1 comment:

Danna said...

Too sweet! I think Fern would do this more often, except she has two brothers who can get in her way and then make the party their own! :)
Fern loved that same outfit you got her last year (can you believe it has been a year!!), she was so sad to put it in the "out grown" box! :)