Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summers Bounty

Nader's father has a serious green thumb and since we moved to Fallbrook, he has planted a hundred fruit trees. His hard work and effort has paid off. Even though the trees are still very young they are producing like crazy.

Fresh plums anyone?

Here's another variety of plum.

I ate one of these apples today and they are very sweet.

The girls like to help pick the fruit.

After they pick the fruit they wash it. As you can see Bella is supervising their work.

On this occasion the girls decided to jump into the buckets and clean themselves.
The girls are growing like weeds. They are now talking in small sentences. They are also putting themselves to sleep and sleeping through the night. Yippeee !! Potty training is slowly coming along. They are almost there. Yesterday they did not have any accidents. I am thankful for days like these. Last to report, the girls are swimming like fish. They still need floaties but it's pretty cool to see them cruising around the pool. More pictures to come...


Danna said...

YUMMY!!! I miss fruit trees, but we have blueberry, and rasberry bushes!! I can't wait to get together again and see how big your girls are!! :)

Rima Bo-Bima said...

We would be happy to share our harvet on your next visit.