Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What's Up ??

Well I'll tell you what's up, it's Maya and Sahara. They are bouncing up and down like little monkeys on the loose. Check out the footage below from Gymnastics class.

I figured out what Maya and Sahara's list of favorite things are. Not necessarily in this order...

1. Be naked

2. Jump, especially on the couch and/or trampoline

3. Play with dirt

4. Play with water

5. Binky (Sahara only)

If we could do the above list all day everyday, the girls would be in heaven.

These past few weeks the girls have been learning how to use the potty by themselves. I didn't include any pictures of this for obvious reasons. They enjoy taking their close off, by themsleves. Then taking off their daiper, by themselves. And, get the idea. With the use of a stamp as a reward, the girls have been successfully using the potty to go "pee pee". They are even telling us before they have to go. So we are very happy around here that maybe one day we won't need daipers anymore.

In addition to this the girls have been talking quite a bit. Maya likes to say "EBITA" which everyone knows is earnings before interest, tax and amortisation. And they both like to say, "Allah", after every cough and sneeze they hear. FYI, Allah means god. I thought I would mention that just in case.

Well, that's the latest with the twins. I promise to be more consistent with my postings from now on. (Sorry Grandpa Epi)


Danna said...

Too cute, we have a little trampoline downstairs and the kids love to jump!! Maybe I will send Fern your way she wants to wear undies but that is where the progress stops! When it warms up we will do the outside naked lots of juice plan! :) Glad your back, I was beginging to think you had left the blog world! :)

Rima Bo-Bima said...

Glad to be back. We wouldn't mind one bit if you sent us Fern. I promise to return her one day. :>