Friday, March 18, 2011

Farewell Sido Bulos !

On Thursday, February 24th, 2011 at 7:15 p.m. our beloved Sido Bulos died.

He will forever be in our hearts and memories as the strong and joyful man with the generous heart.


Danna said...

Oh Rima and Nader,
Our hearts are full and sad for you all at once, what a blessing to have wonderful memories and joy in the resurrection, but so hard to not have the blessing of his presence daily.
Our thoughts and prayers are with your mom and the rest of your family!
Danna, Dan and the rest of the bunch!

Rima Bo-Bima said...

Hi Danna, thank you for your kind words. Bulos' passing was peaceful and we are so thankful that he did not suffer. We are now on the path to healing our hearts, but he is missed and remembered every day. It's been especially hard for the girls. They have seen him everyday of their lives. We are filling that void with lots of wonderful memories and love. Thanks again to you and your family for your thoughts are prayers. I am hoping your move and adjustement to the new digs are going well. All the best, Rima