Friday, August 1, 2008

Take a night off !!!

As you would probably guess, Nader and I don't get a lot of nights away from the twins. We tow the girls around everywhere we go. Somehow the stars aligned and Nader planed an overnight trip to Temecula wine country. What a wonderful break from the norm.

Here I am feeling foot loose and fancy free. You can't really tell but I'm standing in front of acres of wine fields.

We stayed at the South Coast Winery. A charming place with amazing food and wine. Here's a picture of the entrance.

Here's a picture of the beautiful walkways around the property.

Here's our private villa with a view of the wine fields and mountains in the distance.

We are sitting on our patio which seems engulfed with grape vines.

Here's another shot of the beautiful grounds and landscape.
It's hard to tell how impressive all the rows of grapes vines are but here's a shot of Nader on our way to the main house for breakfast.

I especially like the frosty film on the grapes. It makes them look so beautiful.

To sum it up Nader and I spend our time hanging out, eating good food, drinking good wine and enjoying each others company. We even squeezed in a movie. What a wonder little vacation.

1 comment:

Danna said...

How fun, it is amazing how freeing one night can be! Although we never would have guessed that before kids! :) Glad you two got to have a little time away!!