Tuesday, May 20, 2008

San Juan Island, WA

We had planned on going on a little adventure to San Juan Island and to Victoria Island, B.C. But since I forgot our passports at Grandpa Epi's house, we cut our trip to only San Juan Island. A bit of a bummer, but that just means we will have something to do the next time we visit Grandpa Epi.
Here's daddy and Sahara looking at the many forested islands while on the Washington Ferry.

Sahara and Maya found a wind tunnel at the front of the boat and could not resist playing in it.

Upon arrival to Friday Harbor and after our initial shock of forgetting our passports. We went to Lime Kiln Park to see if we could view Orcas. We didn't see any whales, but we got to see this cool eagle. I've never seen one in the wild before, and I'm sure it was a first for the girls.

The island is pretty small, so we went back to Friday Harbor for lunch, then checked into the Lakedale Resort. We didn't know what to expect since we learned about this place from a tourist book, but we were pleasantly surprised with our accommodations.

Here's our room. Well, it's actually a tent/cabin. And because it's a little before peak season, there were hardly any people around, giving us a lot of freedom to ruin all the peace and quiet. They just build these tents so everything was new and clean.

It was kinda like camping, except we had a bed. There was no running water or electricity. Sort of like glam camping.

Here's another view of our room before the girls rearranged everything. Beyond the bed you can see a futon couch that folded open to a bed. That's where the girls slept.

Here's the view from our tent. We were right on the lake. At sunset we could watch geese flying just inches above the water honking.

I was making the girls bed and they wanted to help by jumping on the bed. And yes, they are naked. We have a hard time keeping their clothes on.

Here's our little table outside our tent. The girls are in the pajamas and brushing their teeth before bed. After they fell asleep, which took a while because the sun was up until after 9 p.m., Nader and I sat around the camp fire. It was really nice. So those were the highlights, the downside was that it felt like it got to 20 degrees that night and Maya was snoring like a chain saw. We planned on staying another night but it started raining, so we packed up the car and headed back to Papa Epi's house. It was a short trip but worth it.

1 comment:

Danna said...

OOO, I love camping and it sounds that much better with a bed! So beautiful!!