Sunday, November 4, 2007

18 Months Old Today !!!

It's official, they are growing like weeds. Today they are 1.5 years old and they hardly seem like babies but rather little people. They are talking (babbling) all the time and seem to be full of ideas. They are always thinking of new ways to keep me on my toes.

Here's Sahara and Tata (grandma) walking down the driveway. Isn't this so sweet.

Got milk ? Here's Maya enjoying some milk for breakfast. Notice her bling around her neck.

Here's Sahara riding a dinosaur.

Here's a few monkeys hanging on sweet Maya.


Danna said...

So Maya has bling and monkeys around her neck, she may turn out to be a very fancy zoologist (sp?) :) Too cute give the girls kisses from me!!

Rima Bo-Bima said...

Hi Danna,

Hope your travels home were mellow and safe. Yea, Maya has been pretty funny lately.

Danna said...

Maybe not "mellow", I was excited to have Dan flying with us for the extra hands, but all the kids ended up laying on me and Dan sat by himself. Oh well, at least he was helpful for potty breaks and diaper changes! :)

Jacques said...

Bonjour Rima,

Many thanks for your card, I need your email address to send you mine.