Monday, July 23, 2007

Fallbrook's Finest

Summer time is in full swing in Fallbrook and the vegetable garden and fruit trees are going off. Take a look...

Yummy peaches.

Pomegranates are almost ready.



Nader's protea propagation experiment.

Home sweet home.

Did I mention that we have 100 fruit trees. You should see our water bill.

The figs are on their way.

Bananas. I should mention that Nader is very excited about the fact that our banana tree is bearing fruit. He checks it everyday and updates me on it's progress. It's kinda cute.

The passion fruit vine has hundreds of passion fruit.

The Banksia are blooming.

The Safari Sunset Lucadendrian will be harvested tomorrow and dropped off to a local flower broker the following morning. Nader will be complaining about his back for days.

Here's Sahara closely inspecting the purple cone flower.

Lately the girls cannot get enough of the outdoors. They are constantly "asking" to be let outside.

Sahara riding the garden Zebra.

Today daddy built the girls an activity table. This is a project that was inspired by our last visit to Lego Land.

Ta da !! An activity table complete with one compartment for water and another for sand. Sahara enjoyed filling the buckets with water then pouring it out on herself. Maya on the other hand organized rocks in and out of the activity table for about an hour.

Bella was close at hand trying to score a new toy to chew on.

Sahara still preferred the dirt to the sand and was caught red handed in the flower pot.

Stay tuned for more from the Fallbrook farm...


Danna said...

oooo, I miss all those things that grow in So. Cal. and not in CT! I am very envious right now!!! Cute table, I was thinking of having Dan make one for Fern, but with just sand to play in during the winter (inside), while we have school time. Where did you find the nice plastic buckets?

Rima Bo-Bima said...

Hi Danna !!

The plastic buckets have covers to them and only cost $5 each at Target.

This table all together only cost $15 in materials and has provided the girls with hours of entertainment.