Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Khoury's in Paradise

We are back from Hawaii now and we are missing what Nader now calls, "his island". The best way to sum up our trip was sun with scattered showers, good food, friends, beaches, long walks Sahara and Maya running in every direction and sunsets. Here are a few more pictures of our trip...
Sunset at Waikiki Beach.

Grandpa Epi commented that we never have pictures of Maya smiling. So here is proof...Maya's first introduction to sand. Also note the way she is sitting, like a true Filipino.

This picture of Sahara chasing pigeons at Kaimana Beach park is reminiscent of my own childhood in Hawaii. Sahara slowly stalks the pigeon from behind then stumbles at full speed towards it with hands outstretched. You can probably guess the pigeon took off before Sahara could get her paws on it.

We visited with my childhood friend, Jen Perry. We have been friends for more than 25 years. She and her family invited us over for dinner. The food was so ono (pigeon English for good). Here's a picture of JP introducing Sahara to Sunny. I'm not sure if I have ever mentioned, but Sahara loves animals and gravitates to them every chance she gets.

We visited the Foster Botanical Gardens. Here yet another picture of Maya smiling. Feast your eyes out Grandpa !

Here's Dad and Maya (smiling) in front of some tropical Heliconia plants.

On our flight back we lucked out by getting the entire back row of the plane to ourselves. This gave us enough room to stretch out. Daddy also figured out a way to restrain our little monkey. He snugly cinched the seat belt around Sahara pinning her down for at least a few peaceful moments.

Here's precious Maya taking a nap on the airplane. Nothing is sweeter than seeing your baby peacefully sleep.

Monday, April 23, 2007


It has been several days since the last entry. We have been a little preoccupied in Hawaii. We have been here almost a week and the weather is the same as always. Warm, slightly humid with cool trade winds. We just watched the most amazing sunset while standing on Waikiki beach. Life is good.
The girls have been enjoying themselves. They have discovered sand for the first time. They have also been in the ocean just about everyday we have been here. As you can imagine, the flight felt very long with two active babies and the time zone adjustment was very difficult. But after the first sleepless night, we have had smooth sailing. Here are a few snapshots of our trip.

Here's a shot of the plane ride to Hawaii. Everyone is still smiling.

Mommy doing a pose in front of the Duke Kahanamoku statue on Waikiki beach.

Diamond Head is in the background and our hotel is the building under my chin.

Sahara discovering the sand for the first time. It seems she has acquired a taste for it.

Sahara in the Sand II

Daddy and Maya at the Honolulu Aquarium. Despite the pounds of sunscreen we put on the girls, they still have a Hawaiian tan. I guess there is no 100 spf sunscreen.

Every morning we have our routine. We walk along the beach to Starbucks where daddy gets his morning fix. It's a nice way to start the day.

Here's a photo of Sahara and her monkey friends at the Honolulu Zoo.

Maya & Sahara Walking at the Honolulu Zoo

Here we are floating around Ko'olina beach. Ko Olina Beach

Here are a few pictures from the last time we were in Hawaii. The girls were 4 months old then. They have grown so much since then that I decided to post a few pictures to reflect on those early months with the girls. Here's a family shot in Maui.

Look at Maya's cheeks !

And here's sweet Sahara.

Friday, April 13, 2007

11 Months Old and Growing !

These past few weeks have been very special. Not only am I enjoying retirement, but I have been savoring every moment with the girls. Here's just a few moments to mention... the other morning Sahara woke up, got out of bed then proceeded to walk to the next room, got a toy, then came back. It was very strange watching her walk past me with so much confidence. As for Maya, she has started this new thing. As she is nursing to sleep, she will pause, crawl up to my face and give me a kiss. She will do this two or three times before she falls to sleep. So precious.
I have been spending every Tuesday and Thursday at one of the many parks in San Diego. Here are some pictures from the cool zone at the Wild Animal Park.

Daddy walking Sahara over to the giant water turtle.

Cool Zone 2

Here's a picture of Sahara at the end of the day. Completely tuckered out.

Monday, April 2, 2007

It's Official !!!

It's official !! My last day at work was last week Friday, March 30th !! Nader brought the girls up to the office to join the celebration, but they fell asleep right as they arrived. A little anti-climactic. I exited a little early and made the final commute with my sleeping angels. A perfect way to celebrate my new chapter in life.

Here's a picture of Sahara reading a book on the drive up to Irvine. Don't tell Sahara, but the book is upside down. Sahara Reading

Here's a picture of Maya also reading on the 1 1/2 hour ride to mommy's work. Maya Reading

After a proper farewell lunch at Javier's, an awesome Mexican restaurant, I met up with Nader and the girls at the Spectrum where we jumped on the Merry-Go-Round. It was the first time the girls have been on one.

Merry-Go-Round with Sahara

The next day we took advantage of the warm Southern California weather and jumped into the jacuzzi. The girls loved their new floatation devises and how the bubbles pushed them round and round in the jacuzzi.

Pool Party 1

Pool Party 2

Pool Party 3