Friday, January 12, 2007

The Amazing Tales of Sahara & Maya

The twins are 8 months now and they are amazing us with their new skills. Recently Sahara and Maya enjoy stealing toys from each other. It's like watching a tennis match at Wimbledon. They also like chasing each other around the house, which is really cute. And their latest thing, they try to communicate with each other through a series of yells and babble. Absolutely adorable !!

We have started reading to the girls at night before bedtime. Although Sahara prefers to read to us instead. Just a small problem Sahara, the book is upside-down.

Here you can see that Sahara is very excited about Daddy reading to her.

Here's a picture of Maya & Sahara basking in the warmth of the fire on a cold January night. Sahara is brushing her gums before bedtime.

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