Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh Mama !!!

It was my 37th birthday the other day. The girls had taken some money out of their piggy banks and asked me to take them to the store so that the could buy me a present. At the store Maya chose party hats and Sahara chose candles and they both got me a birthday balloon. This is what a 3 year old envisions as a perfect birthday gift. When we got home the girls made me a birthday cake. Once the cake was cool they proceeded to put all the candles on the cake irregardless of my age. When lit, the cake looked like it was on fire. The picture above was taken a second before they sang happy birthday to me. This had to be one of the best birthdays ever !!!

As you can see I look like I'm about ready to pop ! I'm 33 weeks pregnant in this photo. We are expecting our baby boy Feb. 24th, unless he decides to join us sooner. As you might guess, we are enjoying all the sleep we can get before his arrival. Maya and Sahara are anxious and ready for their little brother to come. They have already bought him some gifts and they kiss my tummy constantly and are always talking to him through my belly button. It's very cute. They are already shaping up to be great big sisters.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

I'm happy to announce that Christmas was magical this year. The girls really understood the season and enjoyed every minute of it.

Here's the tree on Christmas morning. Can you see Bella, our dog, checking out the presents.

Here's Maya posing in her pajamas right before she tore open her gifts.

Sido Bulos played Santa again this year. Although the girls know it's their grandfather, it doesn't seem to diminish the excitement of it.

Here are all the cousins posing with Santa.

The girls had their own tree this year. They made most of these ornaments and had fun decorating their tree.

Here's a close up of some of their decorations. This is a stocking with a ridiculous amount of pom poms and glitter. We can't seem to keep glitter in stock in our house thanks to Sahara.

Here's an acorn dog.

On Christmas day Nader made us a feast. People were talking about his rib roast and ribs for days afterwards. I'm so lucky to be married to a man that loves to cook. The girls and I made rice crispy treats and sweet potato pie from scratch. Standing behind Nader is my brother Ken. The girls miss you so much Uncle Ken !!!

The girls made a ton of holiday decorations and I decided to bore you with a few. I realize that this is probably not exciting to see, but for a mom, each piece is like a Picasso. So please indulge me. This stocking was sewn with string then we glued old candy from Halloween along with raisins and cinnamon.

Snowman by Sahara.

Christmas tree by Maya.

Christmas tree by Sahara.

Snowman by Maya.

We hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday. We are looking forward to hopefully a better year. Nader and I are gearing up for our little boy to be born in just a few weeks. We are trying to catch up on our rest while we still can. Wish us luck !!