I have been holding out on some really cute pictures of my cute babes. So here are a few snap shots.
Kingston and his deranged sister, Maya. Nader and I are on 24/7 guard duty for Kingston to ensure his sisters don't run off and love on him to death.
Baby in the sunlight.
Proud mama.
And here's our poor son held captive by his two sisters who put him in their baby doll crib. All I can think is that one day Kingston is going to be big enough to kick their asses and he will get even with them.
Cherub Kingston sleeping in a cloud of blankets.
Is there anything more adorable than a sleeping baby.
Today is Maya and Sahara's 4th birthday. It's hard to believe that they are growing up so fast. Although I often find myself wishing they were in preschool, I'm so blessed to be their mom. They are miracle babies and I am reminded of how much they were wanted on their birthday.

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