On Friday, January 29, 2010 Kingston Paul
Khoury was born. I was only 36 weeks pregnant at the time but because our doctors discovered that he was not growing in my tummy they decided to get him out early. As anticipated, Kingston's birth weight was only 4 lbs. After 10 days in the
NICU to monitor his weight, he finally came home.
Maya and Sahara are such great big sisters. They made Kingston a welcome home sign. Each letter was made with lots of love, paint, glue and glitter.
Here's a close-up shot of the little guy.
Maya's maternal instincts have kicked in and she is always trying look after Kingston. If it were up to her, she would change his diaper every hour.
Here's a proud mama doing some Valentine Day artwork with the girls while Kingston naps.
Here's our Valentine Day tree. The girls decorated hearts and flowers then decorated our tree branch. Daddy brought home flowers for all his Valentines.

I had to include this great picture of Maya.

Here's Sahara showing off her little baby, Cloud.

We did some planting in the
vegetable garden. Thanks to the girls we now have spinach, lettuce, beets and a bunch of herbs growing in our garden.

Gardening is a great excuse to play in the mud.

Here are the girls hard at work.

Tata Rose has a litter of puppies that the girls have fallen in love with. I'm not sure, but we may have two new pets in the not too distant future. This is in addition to the dog, two guinea pigs and fish we already have. I'm not sure if I will be able to keep up.
Oh Goodness, seeing all these great photos makes me miss my nieces and want to meet my new nephew!
Touring with the circus has been a great experience for me, and I'm helping spread quite a lot of joy to many displaced Burmese children, many of whom do not even have a country to call their own, or much hope for the future. You would be shocked to know how little some of these kids have, and yet how happy they can still be...
I return to the states next month. Dalyn and I will come visit you folks soon!
Much Love & Aloha,
Uncle Ken!
Oh Rima, I am so excited to see this post this morning, you have been in my thoughts and prayers almost continualy! We can not wait to meet Kingston and to see you again! It has been too long!
A belated congratulations from Danna's friend. He's a handsome little one and I'm glad he is home in your arms where he belongs.
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