The girls are now 14 months old and are growing up so fast. They no longer look like babies anymore but rather little people. Here are a few recent pictures of Sahara (a.k.a. Sa-bu-ba) and Maya (a.k.a. My-u-ya).

These two rascals managed to climb into their bouncer toy together. Look closely at Sahara's leg sticking out. We are now having to teach the girls to share and to be gentle with each other. This is a constant job and as you can see the struggle usually ends like the picture above.
I love Maya's serious look. Check out her new hair cut. Now she can see without a rubber band in her hair. I'm sure I have mentioned this before, but Maya is a lot more reserve than her counterpart. It usually takes a while for Maya to warm up to people, but when she does it is something very special. That is why family and friends would do almost anything to win her affection or to see her smile.
Here are the girls on their play cell phones while in their swings. Too funny.
One major development worth mentioning is that the girls are now putting themselves to sleep. For the first year of their life they were rocked to sleep. Now we put them in their cribs while still awake and they put themselves to sleep. This of course was not easy to teach although Sahara took to the new sleeping arrangement a lot easier than Maya. We still do not leave the room until they are asleep just in case they need some reassurance that we are there.
Here's a another accomplishment, both girls can now manage to put a plastic egg together. You wouldn't think it but this is very hard to do.
Another hobby that Maya has taken up is organizing things. Maya is constantly arranging toys. This is an all day activity. For example she will take all the similar toys and put them on the couch one by one. Then she will step back and look at her work. Then she will take each toy, one by one, and put them in a box. If I try to put an object that is not like the other toys in the box she will promptly grab it and throw it out.
Here's a great shot of my little sun baby playing in the sand box. Sahara looks like she is browned by the sun then sprinkled with sugar. I just want to eat her. By the way, look how cute Bella looks.
OOOOO too cute!! :) It all goes too fast! :)
I know. I believe Fern was this age when we first met her.
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