I think it is safe to say that we milked Halloween for all it was worth. We went to two pumpkin patches, had a Halloween party at school, had a Halloween play date, went to the library for a spooky story telling night and went to the Wild Animal Park on Halloween day. In addition to this, the girls made a ton of Halloween crafts and had a great time passing out candy and trick or treating on Halloween night. Needless to say I am very happy that we are past this holiday.
Here are a few of the pumpkin creations the girls made.
Here are the spiders the girls made at the Wild Animal Park craft table.
We had a little pumpkin carving competition. Daddy Nader was on one team and all the girls were on another. Here's daddy Nader's creation. Not bad....not bad....
Here's the pumpkin Maya, Sahara and mommy made. Now you be the judge on who won.
My two little dears petting a rather large deer.

Sahara didn't want to leave this deer's side.

Here's Sahara sitting in an egg. She is reenacting the hatching of a baby dinosaur.
We rode the carousel five times that day. As you can see mommy is enjoying herself.

Here's a picture of Sahara being Sahara. I say "smile !" and she sticks out her tongue.

Look how big Maya looks.

We went to a Halloween play date at our friends house. Here's the craft table we set up.

Here's Sahara going nuts with the glitter. Did I mention that blue is her favorite color. Oh, I forgot to mention that Sahara no longer uses a binky. I know, totally amazing.

Here's the girls preschool class getting ready to perform their Halloween program. It was mayhem but totally cute. Can you spot Dragon Sahara and Dalmatian Maya.

Here's a closer look.

Here's a picture of mommy messing around with her little monsters.

We went to the Murrieta public library for their spooky story telling one fine evening. Our little Dragon and Dalmatian was paying close attention.
Now that Halloween is over our only struggle is the candy of course.