Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
2009 Off to a Great Start
So far 2009 has been filled with family and fun. A great way to start a new year. Here are a few moments I would like to share.
Here's a group family shot at sunset.
Here's a shot with my other brother Ted and his family. From left: Andre, Ted, Tisha and Papa Epi.Here's a shot of Ted, Maya and me. My brothers and I are all 5 years apart in age, with me being the youngest. Although we were not close when we were young growing up in Hawaii, we have become so in our adult years.
Here are the girls with their Uncle Ted. Maya looks like she is winking. Sahara is holding a heart pillow that she acquired at her Tata Rose' house. She seams to want to leave each place we visit with something in hand. It is especially painful when we are at playdates and she wants to leave with someone else's favorite toy.
Here's Maya posing with her princess diaper outfit.
This is what the room looked like. I feel sorry for the maids. My brother Ted and his family came with us to Vegas, along with Papa Epi. It was a lot of fun hanging out with everyone in a different city.
We celebrated my birthday again in Fallbrook with more family. Nader made a delicious pork roast with pears and sage. Delicious !! My dad made me the cake. So sweet !
Sahara and Maya posing with a friendly penguin at Sea World. I'm not sure if you can tell but Maya is wearing the most mis-matched outfit in history. She is now very firm about picking out her outfits. We think she might be color blind.
Brother and sister.
You are not going to believe this, but Maya took this picture. It is so cute hearing her direct us as she sets up the picture. You can hear her say, " Now you go here, and you go here." It's pretty cute and she does good work.