I'm not sure why the girls look so serious, but this is a little spot we stopped at during our train ride. Apparently we needed to stop to refill the water in the train. Those pesky steam engines...
Nader took this picture of himself and he was able to get Maya and I in the background. We were finding rocks and throwing them into the water. A perfect way to spend the afternoon.
Nader had set up his hammock overlooking the steam. He stayed up late one night reading and started to get paranoid that he could hear bears circling him so he relocated himself near the fire thinking he would have better odds there instead of lying on a hammock.
On our last day a wild deer wandered into our camp. He must be accustomed to people because he came so close that Sahara was able to pet him.
We saw a picture from the 1700's of two women standing on this ledge. Pretty crazy. Can you see the Yosemite Valley floor below.
I love this shot of Sahara walking down the trail with half dome behind her and her fuzzy cat Felix in hand.
Well, this was our first real camping trip with the girls. We had a wonderful time even with the random irritants of camping with 2 year olds. Like having dirt in your tent all the time and trying to keep the girls from falling off rocks that they repeatedly climb. In the begging of our trip the girls kept asking to go home. When it was time to leave they threw a fit because they didn't want to go home. I would take that as a sign that they enjoyed themselves.