Life has been pretty busy while I wrap up things here at Element. If you haven't already heard, I have resigned from Element to focus on raising the girls. The girls are very excited about this decision.
Maya and Sahara are now 10 months old and have been growing like weeds. They both are babbling a bunch, enjoy unpacking then repacking everything from the diaper bag to the cabinets in the kitchen, like to lay big fat kisses on you whenever possible, clap their hands at anything that makes them happy, have learned how to wave goodbye and believe it or not, have started to walk on their own.
A few things that they have learned individually... Sahara enjoys turning off the television. This is pretty funny although she is driving her Grandmother Linda nuts because she no longer can watch her soaps in peace. Sahara also likes to whistle when she is not tackling her sister or yelling "no" in arabic whenever she does something she knows she should not do.
Maya on the other hand enjoys sleeping-in in the mornings, has learned how to blow kisses and is often times blowing raspberries.
All in all we are having a wonderful time as the girls seems to reach each new milestone.
I recently learned how to post videos, double click on the links below and enjoy...

Sahara Walking Forward with Alligator Toy
Sahara Pushing Cart